Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Have it delivered!

Discussions delivered to your inbox

Do you use the discussion board in your Blackboard online courses? Wouldn't it be nice to know when someone makes a post to it? Well, now you can! Think subscription.

We are now on version 7.3 of Blackboard. In this version you have the option of allowing users subscribe to an entire forum. When they subscribe to the forum, a notification is sent to their KCTCS Outlook inbox. You can't reply to the discussion from the inbox, but it does let you know that things are going on.

Setting it up

When creating your forum you'll see these options:

Allow members to subscribe to threads - If you choose this option, users must subscribe to every thread in a forum to get email notification.

Allow members to subscribe to forum - This option will send an email notification for every thread in the forum. If you choose this option, you then have the option of what is sent in the email; the body of the post or a link to the post.


Now that you have added the option for subscription, here's how it will work from a users perspective:

When the user enters the discussion they will have a Subscribe button on the action bar. (NOTE: It will be on the main forum page if you let them subscribe to the forum. If you set it to subscribe to the thread, then it is on the action bar for the thread.)

Just click on the Subscribe button. Discussion postings will now be delivered to your inbox.

Unsubscribe: if you want to unsubscribe, just go back to where you subscribed and click the unsubscribe button.